Last chance: Site For Life! Ends Soon!

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Get "Site For Life"
Before It Goes Away Forever!

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment $15196.00
  • Preferred option
    Split-Pay: 2 Bi-Weekly Installments 2x $7598.00
  • Preferred option
    Split-Pay: 3 Weekly Installments 3x $5199.00
  • Preferred option
    Split-Pay: 4 Weekly Installments 4x $3999.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!



"Site For Life" Limited Quantity 

In the distant past, Web Wisconsin had occasionally offered a special promotion called "Site For Life", which was a 1-time payment for your Smart Website hosting, management and also included technology updates too. This amazing offer potentially saved our clients tens of thousands of dollars. Our provider no longer has this great deal available and thus, we have not able to offer it to our clients. However, we have just obtained a few "Site For Life" accounts and are now making them available to purchase.  

Act Now: 

There's Still Time To Get: Site For Life Plan  Please keep in mind that these are in VERY limited quantity and once they are gone, "Site For Life" will likely not be available ever again. Now is the time!! Act now!  

When Is The Promotion Ending?  

This is not a promotion ending at a certain date, but rather when the final quantity of these "Site For Life" accounts are sold out, they will be gone forever and we will likely not be able to offer this amazing deal ever again.

Investment Amount 
Site For Life is an investment in the future success of your business. It is paying one-time for your website hosting and technology updates and getting them for the lifetime of your website. Therefore the one-time payment is $14,996 + $196 convenience fee. If you want to pay via check, we would waive the convenience fee and give you a "cash discount" of $196. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


(Frequently Asked Questions)

  • What is Site For Life?
    Web Wisconsin has occasionally offered a special promotion called "Site For Life", which was a 1-time payment for your Smart Website hosting, management and also included technology updates too.

    This has been an amazing deal for our clients as they typically pay the amount of roughly a few years of service upfront, and get their website hosting & management services for their lifetime. You can imagine why most of our clients jump when this opportunity has been offered! It has saved some of our clients tens of thousands of dollars over the years and will continue to save them money for the lifetime of their business!
  • What if I already have Site For Life?
    Good news! If you previously purchased Site For Life.. Don't worry, you still get your Site For Life plan! Nothing changes for you at all.

    To be clear, the end of our offering of this promotion does not effect current Site For Life clients whatsoever. You are fully secure with your Site For Life plan. We simply will not be offering it in the future to other clients.

    So if you purchased Site For Life in years past, congratulations on making a very wise decision and investment in the digital presence of your business! Site For Life was a very smart choice! It is one you will enjoy for years and decades in the future.
  • What happens to Site For Life if Web Wisconsin ever closes?
    First of all, the good news is that our company started way back in the year 2000, which means we have been in business doing website design & marketing for roughly 23 years now! We have no plans in going anywhere!

    The even better news is, although it is brought to you by Web Wisconsin, it is obtained through our partnerships that utilize either AWS (Amazon Web Services) or Google Cloud. Therefore, not only are we offering you this amazing deal but you also get technology updates included as well. That means that whatever tech updates would be included in your regular plan, will be updated as long as you are on the Site For Life plan as well. Can you imagine getting technology updates for the lifetime of your website? This is an amazing offer!
  • What is included in Site For Life?
    Along with your Smart Website hosting, management and technology updates, Site For Life also includes:

    • Smart Editor
    Allowing you to edit your website at anytime on your computer, tablet or even on your mobile phone. This allows you to update your website content whenever you need to.

    • Widgets
    All widgets included in the Smart Deluxe plan and any and all future widgets that we develop and include in the public plan.

    • Search Engine Optimization
    Along with Smart Editor, we also include access to . our SEO platform included with the Smart Deluxe website plan. This allows you to update information that search engines see & show, including your keywords.

    • Social Media Integration
    Easily integrate your social media into your site with our widgets and tools. Change and update whenever you need to. Future updates in our Smart Deluxe plan for social media are also included for life too!

    • Future Technology Updates
    Any and all tech updates in our Smart Deluxe plan are also included as well. This helps ensure that your website will never be "obsolete" as it will continually be updated for current technology advances and changes.

    What Is Not Included?
    Site For Life includes so much for your business and your online presence and website. It is a steal of a deal. However, due to ongoing fees and issues, we are not able to include obvious things such as: domain name registration/renewals, other ala carte marketing which requires additional fees, online restaurant ordering, Synced listings, reputation management, design/content work, major support needs. All of these things will be offered to you, but cannot be included in Site For Life due to the fees and/or work involved.
  • Is Site For Life worth it?
    Yes! We think this is an amazing deal for our clients and highly recommend getting this deal before it goes away forever!

    Think of it this way: If you could pre-pay (roughly) 3 years of service ahead of time and get that service for not just those 3 years, but get it for life... wouldn't you do that? That's why we think this is a great deal for any wise business owner to take advantage of!

    Many of our clients in years past have taken advantage of this great promotion when it was available to them. We have clients that have had Site For Life for many years and are still enjoying its benefits and will for many years to come. What you pay monthly or annually... they never have to pay for again. And all of the technology updates that have been included in your plan, they have received also! Isn't that amazing? Isn't Site For Life a wise business decision?

    We highly recommend for you take advantage of this final Site For Life deal before it goes away. Once it's gone... it will be gone forever. This is the final Site For Life promotion we will ever do! Get it today before they run out!
  • What happens after you sell out of Site For Life?
    We currently have an extremely limited stock of "Site For Life" plans. These plans are available until we sell out. This is an amazing deal and should not be passed up.

    This is what we believe to be the the FINAL promotion of "Site For Life". Once these are sold, "Site For Life" will most likely be gone forever and never offered as a promotion from Web Wisconsin again. As it is a lifetime of savings, we strongly recommend our clients get "Site For Life" while it is still available.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSite For Life$0

All prices in USD
